Friday, January 7, 2011

Off With A BANG!

Well, we're off and galloping through 2011 now.  I use the verb gallop because as I grow older, life seems to pick up speed daily.  In youth, time seemed never-ending.  I felt there would always be enough.  I know now from experience and wisdom that we should embrace each and every precious moment God gives us during our sojourn on earth.

New experiences, whether we view them good, bad or are indifferent to them, should be analyzed carefully in order to explore the lesson each offers to teach us. Lately, I can't seem to gather enough new information in order to engage in an awe-inspiring craft I've never done before, take up a new hobby, try a recipe that catches my fancy, or just play with a new idea in my head.

Life offers an abundance of life experiences daily......and personally I am ready to try out as many as TIME will allow.  ;-)

Below are some of my newest endeavors.  Happiness that they were received so well!

Some of my home-made Christmas gifts this year:

Scarves. Scarves. Scarves.  I believe I made about 15 different colors, and have only 1 left for me.  Wish I'd have thought to make photos of everything I gave as gifts.  It was not only fun, but very rewarding.

Remember that necklace I said I was going to attempt to copy?  It's still on my 'List'.  Stay tuned.